Challenging Behaviours in Young Children
When children bite, hit, or start to kick and scream in the grocery store, parents can find it very unsettling. A deep breath may be your first step. Keep reminding yourself that children are learning how to behave in acceptable ways. Their challenging behaviours are often a sign of their developmental level rather than spite.
One way to deal with challenging behaviours is to prevent them. But there may be times when your child behaves in ways that will challenge your patience despite all your best efforts. Your child is working on building the skills they need to control their behaviour.
How you discipline or teach your child will depend on your child’s age, stage of development, temperament, and many other factors. It is important when you are taking that deep breath to remind yourself that your child’s behaviour may be appropriate for their age and level of development. Here are some tips:
Start with play (click to expand) »
Redirect to another activity (click to expand) »
Use logical consequences (click to expand) »
Encourage problem-solving (click to expand) »
Services related to this information:
- Contact your Public Health Nurse or healthcare provider to discuss your child’s behaviour.
- Contact your local Family Resource Centre for parenting programs and support.
- 811 HealthLine (Newfoundland & Labrador) – Call 811 or 1-888-709-2929 / TTY 1-888-709-3555