Tdap in Pregnancy

What is pertussis (whooping cough)?

Pertussis (whooping cough) is a contagious lung infection. Babies under eight weeks of age, who have not started their routine vaccines, are at the highest risk for severe disease and even death. Pertussis spreads through close contact with others (e.g., through coughing, sneezing, etc.)

Why should I get the Tdap vaccine when pregnant?

Getting the Tdap (Tetanus, Diphtheria and Pertussis) vaccine when you are pregnant protects your baby until they can receive the vaccine themselves at two months of age. Studies show that nine out of ten babies under three months old are protected when the pertussis vaccine is given during pregnancy. Public Health recommends the Tdap vaccine to pregnant women with each pregnancy.

Is the Tdap vaccine safe during pregnancy?

Yes. The vaccine is safe for both you and your baby.

The most common side effects are injection site pain, redness, or swelling. Other less common side effects are fever, chills and headache.

When should I receive the Tdap vaccine in pregnancy?

Ideally, you should receive the Tdap vaccine between 27- and 32-weeks’ gestation. However, you can safely get the vaccine from 13 weeks’ gestation up to time of delivery.

Should other people in my family get the Tdap vaccine?

Yes. Family and friends who will be around your baby should get the Tdap vaccine. After they get the vaccine, it takes about two weeks to be protected.

Where can I get the Tdap vaccine?

Contact your local public health nurse about receiving the Tdap vaccine in pregnancy.

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Last updated: 2024-06-17