Changes in Your Body After Giving Birth

The postpartum period is the six-week period that begins after the birth of a child.

During this time, your body is healing, is creating a milk supply to support breastfeeding, and hormone levels return to a non-pregnant state.

Vaginal Birth  (click to expand) »

It is normal for the perineum (the area around your anus and vagina) to be swollen, bruised, and tender after giving birth, especially if there are stitches or hemorrhoids. Routine perineum care aims to provide comfort, promote healing, keep the area clean and prevent potential infections.

Some options that may help:

  • Apply ice packs or a frozen, water-soaked maxi-pad or baby diaper to the area (ice packs should not be applied directly to the skin).
  • Use a peri-bottle or spray bottle to rinse the area after passing urine or having a bowel movement.
  • Occasionally a sitz bath is recommended to lessen discomfort and itching, soothe the skin, and help keep the area clean. A sitz bath can be done using warm water in your bathtub at home or with a sitz bath basin that fits on the rim of the toilet (these can be purchased at most drugstores). Water must cover the entire perineum area, and the area soaked for 10-15 minutes.
  • Pat the area dry rather than wipe.
  • Let the perineum air-dry while resting.
  • Before sitting, squeeze your buttocks together.
  • Use a rolled towel in the shape of a ring or a soft pillow to sit on.
  • Rest as much as possible.
  • Take pain medications as recommended by your health-care provider
  • If an episiotomy or sutures were performed, suture materials are typically absorbable unless advised otherwise by your care provider.
Cesarean Section Delivery (click to expand) »
  • Get plenty of rest. Just like with any major surgery, your body needs time to heal. Give your body up to six weeks to fully heal. Ask for help.
  • Avoid strenuous activities for the first few weeks.
  • Avoid carrying anything heavier than your baby.
  • Take pain medications as recommended by your health care provider.

Common Postpartum Concerns

Vaginal Bleeding

Bleeding (Lochia) immediately following delivery is common and can last for two to six weeks. The flow starts heavy and dark red with some clots. The bleeding will slow, and the colour will change to brown, pink, and then to white. Change the sanitary pad often.  If you soak a pad completely within an hour, rest for a few hours. If the bleeding continues after resting or if you are passing clots larger than a golf ball, get in contact with your health care provider. Do not use a tampon during this time.

Uterine Pain, Afterpains or Uterus Involution

Uterine pain or afterpains begin after you deliver as the uterus begins the process of involution back to its pre-pregnancy size. The process may be more noticeable when breastfeeding, it usually eases after a week and can take about six weeks to be complete.


You may find it hard to pass urine for a couple of days. Drink lots of fluids and attempt to go to the toilet even if you do not feel like you have to go. Eat foods high in fibre and drink lots of fluids to make bowel movements softer and easier to pass, especially if you have hemorrhoids. Talk to your health care provider if you cannot pee, it burns or hurts when you pass urine, or you are constipated for more than three days.

Breast Changes and Care

In the first few days after childbirth, breasts will get firmer and bigger as they start to produce milk. These changes result from hormonal changes during delivery and happen regardless of the infant feeding method. From this point onward your breasts will continue to produce milk if they are stimulated and emptied regularly. The Breastfeeding Handbook (PDF)  (Baby Friendly NL) provides information on how to start breastfeeding and keep it going. Breastmilk will be yellow at first (colostrum) and has everything your baby needs to grow. Breastfeed your baby frequently to prevent overfilling and encourage the establishment of a milk supply.

Your breast requires no special care while breastfeeding. A well-fitted nursing bra can provide breast support and comfort.  After breastfeeding, applying a few drops of colostrum or breastmilk on the nipples and leaving bra flaps down to expose nipples to air and light when possible, can be soothing. Topical soaps, lotions, oils and creams have minimal benefits.

Your Changing Feelings

Pregnancy, delivery, breastfeeding, and the recovery period are associated with hormone changes. Many women feel a wide range of emotions with these changes. The ‘baby blues’ often happen in the first week or so after delivery. These feelings are usually temporary, but some do not get better and require professional help.

Tips to help you cope during the first few weeks:

  • Try to get as much rest as you can.
  • Sleep when your baby sleeps.
  • Limit the number of visitors and keep the visits short.
  • Arrange for family and friends to help with cooking and cleaning.
  • Give yourself time to adjust to your new life.
  • Ask for help.
  • Take time for yourself.

See a healthcare provider if:

  • There is a bad smell coming from your vagina.
  • You are passing large blood clots (i.e. bigger than a golf ball) from your vagina.
  • The vaginal bleeding becomes heavier rather than lighter (i.e. soaking more than one pad an hour).
  • Your stitches open.
  • You have a fever.
  • You have vaginal bleeding for longer than six weeks.
  • Your nipples or breasts hurt.
  • You are thinking about not breastfeeding as much or stopping altogether.
  • You are feeling worried.
  • You are having signs and symptoms of depression and anxiety that have lasted longer than two weeks, or you are experiencing unusual feelings such as panic, hopelessness, or frustration; if it is hard to concentrate or you have scary thoughts.

It is six weeks after your baby was born – time for the post-natal check-up!

Services related to this information:

  • Contact your Public Health Nurse.
  • Contact your Physician / Nurse Practitioner
  • 811 HealthLine (Newfoundland & Labrador) – Call 811 or 1-888-709-2929 / TTY 1-888-709-3555
    • 811 is free and confidential. 811 is available 24/7 and can provide support with mental health and addictions issues and more.
    • Services formerly offered by the Provincial Mental Health Crisis Line are now offered by 811. Call 811 to speak with a registered nurse who is also a trained crisis intervener.
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Last updated: 2025-02-27