
Everyone should wear a helmet when bicycling, in-line skating, skateboarding, skiing, skating and playing hockey. As of April 1, 2015, the all-ages bike helmet legislation came into effect in Newfoundland and Labrador. All bicyclists must wear a bicycle helmet when cycling on public roadways. Parents of children under 16 are responsible if they knowingly allow their children to cycle without a helmet.

Helmets can reduce the severity of head injuries when worn correctly. All riders should wear a properly fitted helmet that meets Canada Standards Association standards (CSA).  Never buy a used helmet.

Make sure you helmet fits by using the 2V1 rule:

  • 2 fingers above the eyebrow– A helmet should cover the forehead and sit at two fingers’ thickness above the eyebrows.
  • V-shape – Side straps should fit around the ears and sit in a V shape.
  • 1 finger under the chin – Tighten the chin strap until one finger fits between the chin and the strap.

Choose the right helmet for each activity. Check out Helmets for bicycles, inline skating, scooter riding and skateboarding from Parachute for more information.

Model safe behaviour!

Regardless of age, everyone– adult and child – should wear a helmet!

Some provinces have helmet legislation for activities such as riding an All-Terrain Vehicle (ATV), cycling or skiing. There are towns that also have helmet use regulations/by laws. It is best to reach out to your municipal or Provincial Government for details.

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Last updated: 2024-04-02