Meal Planning
Meal planning is about deciding what meals you are going to prepare, making a grocery list, buying the items you need, and cooking.
Planning meals using Canada’s Food Guide helps you:
get the nutrients you need;
- eat a variety of foods throughout the day and the week;
- cut down on trips to the grocery store, therefore saving you time and money;
- reduce the amount of food you throw in the garbage and;
- reduce the last-minute stress of deciding what is for dinner.
Quick tips you can use when meal planning:
- Choose meals and recipes and keep all recipes close at hand (e.g. in binder, on your phone, etc.);
- Create a schedule with the meals and recipes you choose. When you have less time, make meals that are quicker and simpler to prepare;
- Look at what food you have on hand and create a grocery list that everyone can add items to;
- Use flyers to compare prices of foods at different grocery stores;
- Cook enough for more than one meal and use your leftovers the following day or freeze for later.
Services related to this information:
- Contact your Public Health Nurse.
- 811 Dial-a-Dietitian (Newfoundland & Labrador) – Call 811 or 1-888-709-2929 / TTY 1-888-709-3555